
Product review: Chord Sarum Digital Tuned ARAY - The Ear 2014

Chord Company Sarum Digital Tuned ARAY Chord Co’s Tuned ARAY interconnects are intriguing cables, they have the ability to turn a dense, messy recording into musical performance. This is not something I have encountered with any other cable and proves that this part of the system is equally as important as the source, amp and...

Product review: Chord Crimson VEE 3 - Hi-Fi World review Oct 2013

CHORD CHAMELEON VEE 3 For the first time I found that I was being made aware of the background sounds and echoes in the studio. Each of the performers seemed to have gained some space around them and it made for a very inviting listen. The texture of all of the sounds was filled out...

Product review: Chord Cobra VEE 3 - Hi-Fi World review Oct 2013

THE CHORD COBRA VEE 3 This time Domingo’s voice had somewhat greater body and depth to it. The trumpets were better controlled and smoother sounding, while the violins seemed to reach higher than they managed on the Crimson, but sounded more controlled and realistic. The tambourine sounds on ‘Ja Vidi’ certainly sounded more inviting through...

Product review: Chord Chameleon VEE 3 - Hi-Fi World review Oct 2013

CHORD CRIMSON VEE 3 Staring with the Domingo piece, I was immediately struck by the impressive level of bass output for a cable at this price point. Although not hugely deep, it gave an impression of weight and solidity that surprised me. Domingo’s voice was quite well handled although there was a tendency to a...

Product review: Chord Crimson, Cobra, Chameleon - Hi-Fi Pig Recommended 2013

Chord’s New Entry Level Interconnects There are clear differences between the progression of the cables throughout this budget range. From a wonderfully musically Crimson to the wider bandwidth and quieter background in the Cobra which can retrieve more final details to the fantastically coherent, well balanced, detailed attributes that the Chameleon just grabs the listener...

Product review: Chord USB SilverPlus - Hi-Fi News Outstanding Product June 2013

Chord Company USB SilverPlus Chord uses gold-plated contacts and shells for its A and B connectors while the differential data pair employs silver-plated OF copper strands insulated with LDPE. The ensemble is fully screened, jacketed in a soft white PVC sleeve and complemented, aesthetically, by its blue and white moulded plug. Technically, SilverPlus offers a 13.5nsec...