Frank Harvey Hifi

Frank Harvey Hi-Fi Excellence

024 7652 5200

Unit 2, Binns Close, Coventry, West Midlands, CV4 9TB, UK

Frank Harvey Hi Fi is centrally located in the Midlands and has over 30 years experience in the trade. The showroom is situated in one of Coventry’s oldest medieval buildings, originally constructed in the 16th Century. Over 3500 square feet on three floors, with some of the world’s top brands, with individual demonstrations rooms for personal listening, friendly and knowledgeable staff are always on hand to answer any questions you may have.

This retailer/distributor is an Approved ChordOhmic Terminator, with staff expertly trained by our team to fit ChordOhmic loudspeaker connectors using the ChordOhmic Hex Gun.

They are capable of providing terminated sets of Chord Company speaker cable to custom lengths, complete with securely crimped plugs, to our factory standard.

Contact the retailer/distributor for more information, prices and to arrange product demonstrations where appropriate.


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