Hi-Fi Corner Falkirk 01324 629011 falkirk@hificorner.co.uk http://www.hificorner.co.uk 44 Cow Wynd, Falkirk, FK1 1PU, Scotland Hi-Fi Corner is an award winning Scottish hi-fi and home cinema company – and also the oldest established hi-fi retailer in the country. Conveniently located just off Falkirk’s town centre with nearby parking, this store holds a select range of quality products in keeping with the tradition you would expect from Hi-Fi Corner. This shop stocks a range of hi-fi and loudspeakers – all available for demonstration in listening rooms, where you can relax and make an informed decision on your purchase. If you are travelling any distance to hear equipment, please book a no-obligation appointment for their demonstration room. This retailer/distributor is an Approved ChordOhmic Terminator, with staff expertly trained by our team to fit ChordOhmic loudspeaker connectors using the ChordOhmic Hex Gun. They are capable of providing terminated sets of Chord Company speaker cable to custom lengths, complete with securely crimped plugs, to our factory standard. Contact the retailer/distributor for more information, prices and to arrange product demonstrations where appropriate.