
Clearway Digital RCA / BNC

Clearway Digital uses a Tuned ARAY conductor configuration, originally developed for the Sarum cable range. Like our other Tuned ARAY cables, improvements to performance can be startling. Available fitted with RCA and/or BNC connectors.

Shawline Digital RCA / BNC

After numerous informal listening sessions, we think (controversially maybe?) that all digital cables are not the same.  They may all carry great detail, but in our opinion, hearing exactly what the drums and bass are doing is no good unless it sounds like they are locked into a groove.  We reckon Shawline Digital cables can help in this respect – or at least, not do anything to harm the artist’s intended sound.

Sarum T Digital RCA/BNC

Every audiophile digital connection is catered for and all with Taylon®-equipped, Super ARAY cables. Each type is tuned to suit the specific application. RCA, BNC, USB, AESEBU and streaming digital interconnects available.