
Clearway Streaming cable

Clearway Streaming cable has been designed to virtually eliminate the pickup of external high-frequency noise that can interfere with your enjoyment of streamed digital audio and video

Clearway Digital RCA / BNC

Clearway Digital uses a Tuned ARAY conductor configuration, originally developed for the Sarum cable range. Like our other Tuned ARAY cables, improvements to performance can be startling. Available fitted with RCA and/or BNC connectors.

Shawline Digital RCA / BNC

After numerous informal listening sessions, we think (controversially maybe?) that all digital cables are not the same.  They may all carry great detail, but in our opinion, hearing exactly what the drums and bass are doing is no good unless it sounds like they are locked into a groove.  We reckon Shawline Digital cables can help in this respect – or at least, not do anything to harm the artist’s intended sound.

Epic Digital Tuned ARAY RCA & RCA / BNC audio interconnect

Epic Digital cables are an excellent match for any mid-range DAC, CD transport or streamer. Hand built in the UK and featuring our unique Tuned ARAY conductor geometry.

Epic USB digital audio interconnect

Epic USB can help your system sound more musically coherent, involving and detailed. We don’t produce any product unless it adds to the musical experience, so put any preconceptions to one side, borrow one and have a listen.

Epic Streaming cable

Designed to get the best and most coherent sound from any decent audio streamer. Featuring high quality silver-plated conductors, high speed insulation and high density shielding. Epic streaming cable also employs a precision RJ45 connector that we modify in order to be able to directly solder the conductors to the contact pins.