Sarum T bi-wire speaker links Sarum T speaker links are more that just the final link for a system full of Sarum cables. They are an easy way of getting the last ounce of performance from any high resolution speaker system, regardless of the speaker cable you’re using. The links feature Taylon® insulation are fitted with our ChordAlloy™ plated ChordOhmic banana plugs and spade connectors.
Chord Sarum – Hi-Fi Review Magazine (Hong Kong) Product of the year 2015 Chord Sarum – Hi-Fi Review Magazine (Hong Kong) Product of the year 2015 Big thank you to Michael Chan and all at Richcoln for their sterling work and continued support. Please contact them for further info on Chord Company products in Hong Kong. View the Award
Hi-Fi Plus Magazine cable of the year 2016: Chord Sarum Chord’s original top cable – Sarum – was already one of the best-received interconnects from the brand when the company announced its Tuned ARAY upgrade. And it really is an upgrade – users of existing runs of Sarum can have them upgraded to include the ‘TA’ modification. Tuned ARAY is essentially the addition of a... View the Award