New Signature XL speaker cable – available now

New Signature XL speaker cable – available now

We are proud to announce the arrival of Chord SignatureXL, the latest evolution of a classic Chord speaker cable and one that introduces modern technology plus the new silver-plated ChordOhmic plugs.

The all-new SignatureXL speaker cable is our first product to feature the new high-performance dielectric, XLPE (Cross-linked Polyethylene). We devoted considerable time investigating the different types of XLPE for SignatureXL and following extensive listening sessions, selected a version which, during testing, was found to be superior to the previous dielectric.

With material technology constantly developing and improving, alternatives to PTFE, such as XLPE, have allowed us to make performance improvements where the prohibitive cost of Taylon® otherwise prevents its use at a given price point. Additionally, the new, improved SignatureXL has been developed to perfectly complement the Signature Tuned ARAY and Super ARAY analogue and digital interconnects.

The original Chord Signature was our first high-frequency shielded speaker cable. At the time of its introduction in 2003, it marked a massive leap in speaker cable performance. Over the years, the design has been continually refined with improvements in conductor insulation and shielding. The latest UK-designed-and-built SignatureXL speaker cable, offers a notable performance upgrade and comes with the added reassurance of our lifetime guarantee.

ChordOhmic plugs fitted as standard

SignatureXL speaker cable is the first new speaker cable to launch with factory-fitted ChordOhmic speaker plugs. The silver-plated ChordOhmic plugs have drawn on the our 33-year history in UK cable design and manufacturing, and are engineered to bring both the electrical and sonic benefits of silver to speaker cables. The plugs offer the proven conductivity and signal-preservation benefits of silver, backed up by our legendary build quality.

SignatureXL will make its world debut at October’s Festival of Sound show in London (28th – 30th September 2018, Sancerre suite).

Price and availability

SignatureXL is available now in red/black or all-black.

Prices from £900 (1.5m factory-terminated pair UK RRP) Extra metres: £300 per m


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Chord Company festival of sound PTFE Signature signaturexl XL XLPE


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