
Product review: Chord Company PowerHAUS M6 mains distribution block - The Ear Feb 2023

‘The Powerhaus M6 has raised the bar of my system’s performance. The M6 is supplied with a basic power cable but I highly recommend the Epic ARAY mains cable used for this review, it’s not inexpensive at £750 for the 1.5m length provided (1m is £500), but I consider that a fair price for the...

Product review: Chord Company Clearway Analogue RCA - WHAT HI-FI? Feb 2023

‘With its new plugs, the 2022 Clearway RCA simply makes our system sparkle more. It’s the difference a fresh coat of white paint or a wipe-down of a mirror makes: everything is just cleaner, pulled into focus, and there’s more detail, allowing the system to deliver a more emotive and tangible performance.’ WHAT HI-FI?

Product review : Chord Company PowerHAUS M6 mains block - Hi-Fi+ Feb 2023

‘There’s more articulation to notes, diction is clearer, phrasing more apparent, and dynamics more impactful.. Would you, should you pay twice the price for the M6 over the S6? I’d say so. Chord Company helpfully sent me a PowerHAUS S6 so Iwas able to do a brief comparison. Both are strong performers, and if your...

Product review: Chord Company Clearway Analogue RCA cable – What Hi-Fi? Oct 2022

Chord Company Clearway Analogue RCA cable reviewed by What Hi-Fi? Oct 2022 ‘Current owners of the Clearway Analogue RCA with silver plugs need not rush out to upgrade immediately, as that cable remains a perfectly fine performer for the money. But if you feel your home audio system needs a refresh or a little lift,...

Product review: Chord Company RumourX speaker cable – What Hi-Fi? Oct 2022

Chord Company RumourX speaker cable (with Choralloy™ connectors) reviewed by What Hi-Fi? Oct 2022  

Product review: Chord Company Signature Range - Hi-Fi+ 210 Sept 2022

‘If it has a sonic intent, it’s one of musical enjoyment rather than stark detailing. But it’s so well balanced in terms of price, performance, partners and probably some other things that don’t begin with the letter ‘P’. Chord Company’s SignatureX, XL, Super and Tuned ARAY cables come in just about every connection you could...

Product review: Chord Company Clearway streaming cable - Hi-Fi Choice July 2022

‘…a 24-bit/192kHz PCM WAV file recording of Rimsky Korsakov’s Capriccio Espagnol from the beautifully recorded Chasing The Dragon album España, play faultlessly from the Cambridge 851N over the Clearway streaming cable. The clarity of each instrument in the orchestra is very evident during this powerful performance. In summary, this is an excellent audiophile streaming cable...

Product review: Chord Company Signature RCA - Stereonet June 2022

a serious contender for being my favourite all-round audio cable