Product review: Chord Company ChordOhmic Transmission Fluid - Hi-Fi Choice magazine May 2020 “My system sounds noticeably clearer and the music a tad more real after treatment. The midband is slightly more forward and the top end crisper and more refined. Playing a CBS LP of Simon and Garfunkel’s The Boxer shows a far better control of sibilance with this bright recording, and the positioning of the vocals... View the Review
Product review: Chord Company EpicXL speaker cable - Hi-Fi World Magazine Mar 2020 “Open, tuneful and devoid of artificial sound. Rather hefty but easy to route” “the Chords impose as little as seems possible and so let you know exactly what your amplifier, loudspeaker and source are actually doing. Playing Arvo Part’s ‘Requiem For Benjamin Britten’ the decay at the end seemed to go on longer than I... View the Review
Product review: Chord Company C-series and Clearway - HIFISTATEMENT Magazine Jan 2020 “Chord C-Screen: Allein mit Ecken und Kanten, zusammen eine weit oben spielende Kombination, die Spaß und Auflösung bietet. Ein sehr preisgünstiger Einstieg in das gehobene Segment. Chord Clearway: Egal ob solo oder in Kombination. Dermaßen viel Musik, Auflösung, Raum und Fluss gepaart mit Glanz und Farbe sucht man in dieser Preisklasse sonst vergeblich. Dem leicht... View the Review
Product review: Chord Company Clearway and C-series cables - Long Live Vinyl magazine Nov 2019 Chord Company C-series and Clearway cables reviewed by John Pickford in issue 32 (November 2019) of this great magazine. Find out more here. View the Review
Product review: Chord Company RumourX speaker cable - Hi-Fi World Sept 2019 “Dynamic, punchy yet possessing great poise and detail. Chord’s RumourX is a cable with the ability to improve many a system.” “The original Rumour loudspeaker cables have been a mainstay of the Chord range for many years but these RumourXs are a worthy successor. They have a lively yet well balanced sound that will suit... View the Review
Product review: Chord Company OdysseyX speaker cable - Hi-Fi Choice 451 July 2019 “Both the side-to-side and the front-to-back imaging are superb, and all the instruments are well focused and clearly positioned. The piano is full and rich and displays splendid levels of detail and realism. ..the soundstage is nicely broad and deep as the OdysseyX conveys believable and elegant performances.” Hi-Fi Choice View the Review
Product review: Chord Company EpicXL speaker cable - Hi-Fi Choice 450 June 2019 “The soundstage has enormous depth and I feel part of the audience with the performers playing on the stage in front of me. Instrument placement is precise, and I am able to individually locate all eight players as the cable positively allows the sense of realism in the presentation to flow. This is certainly an... View the Review
What Hi-Fi? Best speaker cables 2019: featuring Chord C-screen and RumourX - BEST BUYS What Hi-fi? buyers guide to the best speaker cable you can purchase in 2019. Check out the latest WHAT-HI-FI? mini-guide, featuring (among others) Chord Company C-screen and RumourX speaker cables along with a handy list of retail outlets and links to the many other Chord Co award-winners. If you are arranging a demonstration or placing... View the Review